diumenge, 31 d’octubre del 2021


It's time to talk about all the work you have been doing for HALLOWEEN.

-In the first session Kirsten, our language assistant, showed us a power point about Halloween. When she finished, we played with her different Halloween games.

-Then, we started doing the Halloween groups. You chose to be in pairs or groups of 3, 4 or 5 people.

-Later, you talked with your partners in the group about which Halloween vocabulary you wanted to use in different Halloween stories.

-Having your main characters chosen, you could start working on your own Halloween story. You did it perfect guys, because your stories and comics are excellent!!! Thanks a lot for your work!!!

-While some of you were working in the different stories and comics, some others were doing the Halloween decorations. Our language assistant Kirsten helped us a lot!!! Great job children!!!


dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2021




Aquí us deixo l´enllaç per poder entrar a aquesta adreça de l´ONU on ens proposen 17 temes interessants per a triar i poder aprendre a fer i gestionar pàgines web. es treballarà de forma cooperativa i si volem podem  participar en un concurs de pàgines web on hi podem entrar i votar tots. És interessant. malhauradament aquestes pàgines només duren un any ..així i tot encara vàrem poder entrar i veure algunes de les pàgines que havien fet els alumnes de l´any passat per a tenir una idea. Les vàrem trobar molt interessants.

Aquí hi ha algunes imatges de la nostra feina en equip.: responent a preguntes inicials, consensuant respostes amb un representant de cada taula..

Espero que trobeu interessant el tema.



dissabte, 23 d’octubre del 2021


These last weeks we have been working on the little project of the EMPATHY and its importance in our life.Your work and reflections have been excellent and very interesting. Thank you guys because I've learnt a lot from you!!!

Here you can see some photos of the development of the project.

We first made the groups and I gave you a paper where you could see some information about EMPATHY. Then we had a bit of conversation about the topic and we made some reflections on it. Later you started  working on a picture where the things talked about could be seen and reflected.

I hope you like it!!!💓

***Sorry if there are some groups with no photo.****

Lots of kisses from CAROL💋